Beginning Guitar
Led by Mr. Picanco
Room 715
Schedule: Guitar 1-2
Room 715
Schedule: Guitar 1-2
This class is designed for the beginning guitar player or a student that has never played a guitar before. Students in the Beginning Guitar class will learn the basics of music reading, guitar technique, chord vocabulary, and group playing/performance. Students will be expected to practice guitar regularly, learn and apply new techniques taught in class, and learn music given out in class, and music acquired on their own. This class uses acoustic guitars only, can be taken for one full year, and completes a students arts credits for graduation.
Upcoming events and news
- First Day of School is August 28th, all classes will begin with instrument check outs
Google Classrooms
Playing tests, print outs, and additional materials available on google classroom. Students should be auto magically enrolled, below are codes incase something happens otherwise. Google classroom is for STUDENTS ONLY. Please understand that any non-students or parents will be denied access to google classroom.